and it will do it at half the price and doesn't need compressed air . 費用も半減し圧縮空気も不要です
a car , which runs on compressed air 空気圧で走る車で
and compressed air comes out 穴から出てくる圧搾空気で
we're using compressed air . 圧搾空気を使っています
when a shinkansen train enters a tunnel , a tremendously large noise is generated at the exit side of the tunnel due to the compressed air . トンネル突入の際、圧縮された空気により、退出側の坑口周辺で凄まじい騒音が発生する。
in 1834 , hisashige moved to fushimi , osaka (present-day fushimi-cho , chuo ward , osaka city ) where he constructed various devices such as a portable candle stand and an automatic-refueling lamp (that used compressed air to replenish oils ), for which he won a nickname , ' karakuri giemon ' and also popularity among people . 天保5年(1834年)には大阪の伏見(現在の大阪市中央区 (大阪市)伏見町)に移り、懐中燭台、無尽灯(圧縮空気により灯油を補給する灯明)などを考案し「からくり儀右衛門」と呼ばれ人気を博する。
air at a pressure greater than that of the atmosphere; "compressed air is often used to power machines"